Water is essential for life, but many businesses still fail to recognise the commercial importance of this vital resource.
In the twenty years leading to 2030 global freshwater demand is expected to rise by 40%. But despite the stress on water globally, few organisations currently measure their water use, or manage the risks associated with the depletion and degradation of this critical resource.
The total cost of water consumption and disposal within an organisation can often be surprising, and the associated greenhouse gas emissions very substantial. Therefore businesses should be including water measurement and reduction as part of both organisational cost reduction and sustainable development strategies.
Read more: https://bit.ly/1iMmkVl
If you want to reduce the amount of water that your business is using our Smart Water Audit can identify the areas where your business is losing water, and more importantly money!
Contact us today: info@actondemo20.com
Telephone: 0818 288 050 065 68 28010
Mobile: 086 348 7427 087 292 3957