SES Water
Water Retention Testing
What Do We Do?
If your construction site has a holding tank or pump station, it will need to be tested as part of the taking in charge process with Uisce Éireann Irish Water.
Where a holding tank or pump sump has failed a water retention test, SES can provide advice and guidance to resolve the issue. A common fault in the installation of precast concrete tanks is that it has not been installed to the manufacturer’s specification or that the wrong product for sealing the upper and lower precast sections has been used.
We believe these tests provide an important role in the utility industry to ensure we meet our environmental and energy goals. Where wastewater may leach from a tank, this can pollute groundwater and have an adverse effect on water supplies and the environment. Where water may leak into a tank, this results in more pumping of water which has energy and cost implications.
Our equipment is fully certified and calibrated to ensure we record the level data to the required specifications.
We can provide this certification on request.

Examples of Water Retaining Structures
- Reservoirs (above or below ground)
- Pump Station Wet Wells
- Pump Sumps
- Pumping Stations
- Wastewater holding tanks
- Firewater holding tanks
- Stormwater holding tanks
- Grey water holding tanks
- Storage Bunds
- Any water retaining structure e.g. storage tanks

Find out more about what SES Water can do for you