Head Office: (065) 682 8010 | Dublin Office: (01) 514 3130 | Cork Office: (026) 20620 info@seswater.ie

Water Metering, Water Bills and Water Conservation

Non-Domestic Water Metering Charges for water services differ between local authorities, depending on the cost of their capital (water services infrastructure) programmes, the cost of operating their treatment plants and the cost of administering the metering /billing...

Councils fear cost of water repairs

Local authorities have been ‘‘reluctant’’ to start costly water improvement projects due to constraints on their finances, ac cording to an internal government memo. Cork County Council went as far as to say that government approval for a multimillion euro water...

Water saving 'poo-gloos' keep waste treatment facilities alive

New igloo-like structures are appearing in waste treatment facilities in the US as their water saving abilities help to extend the lifespan of the installations. The devices are an attempt to cope with areas where the local population has outgrown the sewage treatment...

Avoiding the winter water crisis

A year after our last water crisis, Ireland is struggling again with shortages and burst pipes. Yet not one kilometre of mains was replaced in Dublin in 2010. Only by spending heavily every year for a decade can we hope to fix our water infrastructure, writes FRANK...