Head Office: (065) 682 8010 | Dublin Office: (01) 514 3130 | Cork Office: (026) 20620 info@seswater.ie

Advice to Householders on frozen and burst pipes

Frozen Pipes  Advice to Householders Because of the unprecedented cold spell, resulting in frost penetration deep into the ground, many householders are experiencing problems due to frozen water pipes. The two most common sources of the problem are: Either a service...

Icy conditions continue but thaw expected later in week

IT WILL be “bitterly cold” tonight and the thaw will not be felt until tomorrow at the earliest, Met Éireann has warned. Parts of the northeast, midlands and east Munster yesterday received further snowfalls, and in many areas it fell on compacted ice. At Dublin...

Dwindling levels lead to water supply cuts

CUTS TO water supplies throughout Dublin city and county could continue until Christmas, a senior local authority engineer has warned. The four Dublin local authorities have begun to implement night-time water restrictions, cutting the supply to houses between 7pm and...