SES Water
Pressure Logging
What Do We Do?
SES offers customers complete pressure logging solutions for a wide range of water industry applications. With continuous investment in technology, we provide pressure logging services using the best available features including durable and waterproof (IP68) devices with long battery life.
With a choice of remote telemetry (SMS/GPRS) or manual download, a periodic report of pressure data can be provided.

Pressure Logging Applications
- Leak Detection: Where a pressure logger shows a reduction in pressure, this can indicate a leak or burst has occurred in the network. We can then carry out leak detection in the suspected area as indicated by the logger location.
- Pipeline Pressure Testing: When pressure testing new or existing watermains, we provide pressure logging to monitor the change in pressure over time to confirm if the pipe is leak free and ready to be put into service (Contractors, Developers, Local Authorities)
- Hydraulic Modelling: Pressure logging is carried out to determine the available static and dynamic pressures in a pipe network which can be used to design, calibrate and verify hydraulic models of water networks. (Consulting Engineers)
- Pump Station & PRV Design/Optimisation: Pressure Monitoring at specific locations (CMP, AZP, Import, Export) in order to determine the design criteria for Pump Stations, Pressure Reducing Valve or Pressure Sustaining Valves (Contractors, Developers, Local Authorities)
- Hydrant Testing: 7-day pressure can be carried out to determine the time of minimum static pressure in a water network. Pressure logging is also used to monitor the residual pressure in a network during hydrant flow testing works. (Business Owners, Contractors, Developers, Local Authorities)
- Water Audits: Pressure logging is used to monitor the residual pressure in a network during hydrant flow testing works. (Business Owners, Contractors, Developers, Local Authorities)
Pressure Logging Scope of Works
We use a range of certified and calibrated wireless pressure loggers that can be used to monitor networks of all sizes in a range of applications. Depending on your project requirements, the loggers can be programmed to record data every 1second or every 24hours.
Once pressure data has been retrieved, we will then analyse the data to identify specific results and present in table and graph formats.
In some applications, 7-day pressure logging is required before flow testing can be carried out to confirm the time of minimum static pressure or peak demand in the network.
We provide pressure logging of hydrants and analyse the data to identify the time of the minimum static pressure over the logging period.

Find out more about what SES Water can do for you