Head Office: (065) 682 8010 | Dublin Office: (01) 514 3130 | Cork Office: (026) 20620 info@seswater.ie

SES Water

Pipeline Chlorination

Pipeline chlorination is an essential process for ensuring the safety and cleanliness of water supply systems.

SES Water provides top-tier pipeline chlorination services that meet all required standards, ensuring potable water safety.

SES Water’s Pipeline Chlorination Services

SES Water offers comprehensive pipeline chlorination services that include:

Pipe Chlorination: Applying effective chlorination techniques to ensure clean water supply.

Chlorination Disinfection: Using chlorinated solutions to disinfect internal pipework surfaces.

Flushing Operations: Conducting thorough flushing to remove chlorinated solutions and ensure water quality.

Formal Chlorination Report: Providing detailed reports on chlorination processes and lab results.

SES Water’s commitment to high-quality service and public health ensures that all pipeline systems are properly chlorinated and safe for use.

How Do You Chlorinate a System

Chlorinating a system involves several critical steps to ensure thorough disinfection and safety:


  1. Initial Flush: The system is flushed with clean water to remove any debris or sediments.
  2. Adding Chlorine Solution: A high-level chlorine solution is introduced into the system to achieve the required chlorine concentration. SES Water ensures the correct chlorine levels for effective disinfection.
  3. Contact Period: The chlorinated water is left in the system for a specified period to ensure all internal pipework surfaces are adequately disinfected. SES Water monitors this contact period closely.
  4. Flushing: After the contact period, the system is flushed again to remove the chlorinated solution. SES Water ensures all disinfection residuals are removed, providing a clean water supply.
  5. De-Chlorination: If necessary, de-chlorination is performed to reduce chlorine residuals to safe levels. SES Water uses effective de-chlorination techniques to ensure compliance with safety standards.

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